


Report says LeVota “directed unwelcome sexual advances an comments” toward his female intern.


巴蜀中学打造“131”校本课程体系 做学生多元成长的“营养师 ...:2021-5-18 · 由巴蜀中学校长王国华、副校长费春斌、课改处主任张学忠合作撰写的论文《“131”校本课程体系的理论构建与实施策略——众重庆市巴蜀中学为例》在《课程•教材•教法》(全国中文核心期刊、全国教育类核心期刊)2021年第3期上发表,向全国展示了巴蜀中学“131”校本课程体系实施的经验。

— For more than a month, Republican gubernatorial candidate Catherine Hanaway had been inviting donors to a fundraiser Thursday night at Hunter Farms with an all-star host committee matched by a well known headliner, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.  But,…

A $50,000 contribution to Nixon with curious timing raises questions

Nixon, Kinder, Jones (r-l), Tim Bommel, Mo-1. House Communications

Despite the fact that the 59-year-old has essentially ruled out a run for statewide office next year, his campaign committee is still active.

Missouri lawmaker compares woman accused of lying about her race to Caitlyn Jenner


– A Missouri state lawmaker took to Facebook on Friday to equate Spokane NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal, a woman accused of lying about her race, to Caitlin Jenner, a transgender person who recently identified as a woman. State Rep. Nick…

ALEC report criticizes Missouri, four other states, for seeking a gas tax hike for road funding

Missouri was one of 16 states that considered tax increases of some kind in 2015 and one of five states that proposed increasing its gas tax.

朴槿惠优先访华 中韩进入蜜月期让日本坐不住_国际新闻_环球网:2021-6-28 · ”日本《产经新闻》27日认为,韩国既是东亚一员,也是西方自由 世界同盟的成员,中韩会从实际利益出发,现实地处理问题,但却不会过分信任 ...


Republican National Committee campaign targets swing-voters in Missouri citing rise in health care costs.